One still can add, subtract, multiply and divide in any number system.
12A3h 10011b 220_3 - 134h +10101b + 11_3 ---- ------ ---- 16Fh 101000b 1001_3
Try to solve some examples on adding and subtracting in "computer" number systems and another ones yourself.
14A3h 1701o | 11o 1101 * 21h -11 +----- *1011 ----- -- | 152o ---- 14A3 60 1101 +2946 -55 + 1101 ----- -- 0000 2A903h 31 1101 -22 -------- -- 10001111 7
Try to divide and multiply in this number systems. Make more computations in your head, develop your abilities to calculate fast, to remember the information. It is very important for attestations.
[ IBM PC teaching on ]
hiew program allows dumping file on the screen. debug.exe program has ``d'' command, dumping memory on the screen. Even Norton Commander allows to output file's content using F4.
No you must realize well and feel the hexadecimal and other systems. At last you can find your way thru dump.
[ IBM PC teaching off]
There are special hexadecimal calculators, that are able to calculate in common number systems. I would recommend CITIZEN SRP-75 and its analogues. It is cheap and w/o gfx, but besides the hexadecimal arithmetics and logic it is also programmable! 128 steps!
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