[hackeroid] hscool Entrance Examination -- 99

Here, at the hour of Entrance Examination (14:00 MSK (10:00 UTC) at September, 18) to the Civil Hackers' School we will put text of tasks.

Arvi the Hacker

Civil Hackers' School

Entrance Task for the year of 1999.

1. 65 115 32 112 114 101 99 105 115 101 44 32 97 115 32 121 111 117 32 99 97 110 44 32 100 114 97 119 32 107 101 121 98 111 97 114 100 32 97 110 100 32 115 121 115 116 101 109 32 98 108 111 99 107 32 111 102 32 112 101 114 115 111 110 97 108 32 99 111 109 112 117 116 101 114 46

2. The newbie cracker (intruder) types texts with the speed of 80 characters per minute. Cracking of computer site requires to type and compile exploit program with the size of 15K. How many time left to sleep for site system administrator?

2*. Every three years Microsoft Corporation releases new operation system Microsoft Windows. To sale Microsoft Windows the Evil Plan "X" was introduced, by which all children from your town must study Microsoft Windows at the school lessons. It is known, that two from every ten Microsoft Windows users are legal, and every 16th "computer pirate" is caught and goes to jail (sometimes without trial for years!).

Estimate the tribute, that Microsoft will take every three years from growing and former pupil of your town? What bribe can Microsoft Corporation give to realize the Evil Plan "X"? How many pupils from your town will be put into prison by Microsoft for "stealing programs"?

3. Crack Change game program for content of variable X (your money) on exit from the following block be equal to 32767:

        3000 IF RND(1)<.5 THEN Z=X ELSE Y=Y+Z
        3010 IF X>Y THEN GOTO 3040
        3020 X=X+10*RND(1)
        3030 GOTO 3010
        3040 IF Y<Z THEN GOTO 3000
        3050 IF Z<X THEN X=Z



Remark. Microsoft, Microsoft Windows, Windows are (registered) trademarks of JSC "Microsoft", Microsoft Corporation.

For those, who will dare to take the third task:
divergence -- a word of eleven letters, written horizontaly in latin. Starts from letter d, ends with letter e.

  Arvi the Hacker

E-mail: hscool@netclub.ru
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