This is the translation of Entrance Examination to the Civil Hackers' School at September, 13, the year of 1999. Those of you, who want to skip decryption stage, can start solvation by clicking here.
Arvi the Hacker
Entrance Examination To Civil Hackers' School (The Year Of 1998/99) 1. Wuohtit ugase of ertxa mromey (velbairas, ayarrs, scatk,..) cgnahe veulas of two iegetnr velbairas, X and Y. You can use olny anemngisst stnemetats, aacitemhtirl and lacigol onoitareps, sradnatd fnoitcnus, a pceie of cseehe. 1*. Do the smae, uniesg olny anemngisst stnemetats and olny one ooitarepn. 2. Tuvqje Tfshfbou xbt ubvhiu (ju uppl b hsfbu efbm pg uspvcmf pwfs ju) up sfnfncfs gjwf joufhfs ovncfst (Y, Z, O, M, N boe E), jodsfnfou boe efdsfnfou uifn cz pof boe ipx up xsjuf epxo ovncfs O po uif difdlfe qbqfs jo spx Z, dpmvno Y. Qsfqbsf efubjmfe jotusvdujpo gps Tuvqje Tfshfbou, cz fyfdvujpo xijdi if xjmm qvu gjstu ivoesfe opo-ofhbujwf ovncfst jo b tqjsbm tibqf: 20 21 22 23 24 25 19 6 7 8 9 26 18 5 0 1 10 .. 17 4 3 2 11 16 15 14 13 12 2*. Nblf uif tbnf gps Tvqfstuvqje Tfshfbou, uibu lopx ipx up xsjuf epxo jo dfmmt pomz ejhjut. 3. Tnzr cebtenz (nzbat nyy) bhgchgf gevnatyr -- pybja'f pnc. Lbh zhfg penpx vg ol gheavat gevnatyr ol 15 qrterrf pbhagre-pybpxjvfr nebhaq vgf ybjre yrsg pbeare (envfr pybja'f pnc va terrgvat). Nsgre qrgnvyrq pbqr vafcrpgvba lbh svaq yvarf, gung bhgchg, nf lbh fhccbfr, gevnatyr: ... 560 PVEPYR (100,300),50 570 YVAR ( 50, 250)-(150, 250) 580 YVAR (150, 250)-(100, 200) 590 YVAR (100, 200)-( 50, 250) ... Jung naq gb jung lbh zhfg punatr? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- For those, who will take up third task, we remind some knowledge from school geometry course: COSINE of a c u t e a n g l e in right-angled triangle -- ratio of cathetus, adjoining this angle, to hypotenuse. Symbol: cos. SINE of a c u t e a n g l e in right-angled triangle -- ratio of cathetus, opposite to this angle, to hypotenuse. Symbol: sin. Those ratios are constant to different triangles and depends only on angle. For pupils with only the lowest mark "two" in their records to mention, hypotenuse is the side of right-angled triangle, opposite to the right angle. Computer measures angles in radians. 360 degrees are equal to 2 pi (2*3.1415926=6.2831852) radians. Time for all three problems -- three hours. Problems are printed in order of increased complexity. Questioning to people, that conduct the examination, is forbidden. AtH//HPG